Termite Control Pretoria
Termites are destructive little creatures with the ability to cause significant damage to wooden structures and other areas within your property. Detecting a termite infestation and applying the appropriate control methods early is key to avoiding costly damage repair further down the line. If you suspect that you may have termites or require the services of professional pest control company to deal with termite control in Pretoria, give us a call today and arrange a free assessment of your issue and a quotation for work needed.
Upon establishing you have a termite issue in your home, our specialists will need to determine the root cause and establish the damage made in order to provide an accurate assessment of the work needed. If the problem is caught early enough, we are able to seal off the troubled areas and fumigate without the need to shut down the entire building. For more serious issues, it may be necessary to seal the whole property in a fumigation tent.
The methods we use are proven to be completely effective in exterminating termites for good without causing damage to the environment. Termite fumigation Pretoria is performed in a controlled environment and under the supervision of qualified professionals. We also cater for preventative termite control Pretoria by treating wood and soil as a property is being built to avoid infestations later down the line. Whatever your problem might be and whatever state you find the wood or timber in, we can help! Don’t panic, just call the professionals! Call 010 500 4229